Month: April 2005

  • Alfred was unlovable.

    At least that’s what the cat told him every chance he got.
    “you’ve got the ugliest mug i’ve ever seen! No one could love you!”
    Alfred tried his best to ignore the remarks, but it was difficult,
    especially since the cat had taught the parrot to say
    “unlovable! squawk! unlovable!” whenever Alfred walked by.
    the goldfish gurgled in agreement.

    but what was it that made him unlovable?
    his snoring?
    the way he ate?
    his little curly tail?

    none of the neighborhood dogs would have a thing to do with him.
    “his mouth is too small to hold a ball,”
    a big german shepherd sneered.
    “his legs are way too short for running,”
    snickered a greyhound.
    a pampered poodle chucked. “did you see that face?”

    “beat it shrimp,” growled a doberman.
    “you couldn’t even scare a mailman.”

    Alfred didn’t like staying in the house since the cat was always making fun of him,
    the parrot was always squawking “unloveable!” and the goldfish was always
    gurgling in agreement. so alfred spent most of his time alone in the backyard.

    one day a new family moved in next door. Alfred tried to see if they had a dog who
    might be his friend, but he was too little to look over the fence.

    as he was sniffing around, he heard something on the other side.
    “hello?” Alfred called.
    “hi,” came the answer. “i’m Rex. i just moved in.”
    “my name is Alfred.” and, without thinking, he blurted out,
    “i’m a golden retriever.”
    “glad to meet you,” Rex replied.

    Alfred and Rex talked for hours. Alfred said he liked sleeping in the sun, dog food, and scratching.
    Rex did too. Rex said he hated baths and going to the vet. Alfred did too.
    it began to get dark. soon it was time for dinner, and they both went inside. that night Alfred thought
    about how much he liked Rex and how much they had in common. then he thought about the fib he
    had told. Alfred was sure they’d be friends–as long as Rex never saw how unlovable he was.

    the next day when Alfred and Rex were chatting, a squirrel jumped onto the fence between them.
    they both barked at it. the squirrel took one look at Alfred and climbed up a tree.
    Rex said, “you sure showed that squirrel who’s boss, Alfred.”
    but Alfred was thinking, if Rex ever sees me he’ll run away too.

    “i’m going to dig a hole under the fence,” Rex said one day. “then i can squeeze through
    to your side, and we can meet.”

    Alfred heard Rex digging. when he heard Rex wiggle under the fence, he ran and hid behind a bush.
    then he heard Rex call, “Alfred, where are you?”

    suddenly Rex poked his head into the bush where Alfred was hiding.

    “y…you look just like me!!!” gasped Alfred.
    “wow! this is great,” said Rex. “you’re not a golden retriever after all!!!”
    Alfred had to laugh. who cared what othe others said? Rex was his friend,
    and Rex liked him just the way he was.

    together Alfred and Rex ran…
    they jumped…
    they played…
    and Alfred never felt unlovable again.


    i read this to my kindergarten class and they loved it. they were like “Mr. Song! why is the cat so mean?”
    at the end of the story when Alfred had a friend, i made everybody cheer and they were so happy.
    i was pretty happy too. this is my favorite book.

  • i’m fat, losing hair, gaining hair on parts of my body that i dont want, joints are as good as an 80 year old man, dont got a penny to my name, dont even have a camera anymore, going blind, almost deaf for that matter, studying is killing me, havent had anybody understand me since… crap… never, stabbed, kicked, judged and bleeding from my chest and still i’m pretty happy. gracious God that i got. thanks for the glock God

  • yeah… only in dreams, but i’d love to try anyways

    this is for the only girl in the world that thinks i am a good guy
    without you, there will be no girls in the world that thinks i’m a good guy
    rock on for that and rock out with ur glock out

  • now b4 u guys go on leaving comments about how funny or eeeewwwww this picture is, i want to remind you that all of these animals/beasts r God’s creations. they r beautiful in their own ways. i understand that their HUGE bellies r hard to control when food is so dang good, i am suffering the same fate, but i would like to ask my audience to be sensitive. i am over joyed that as a wanna be photographer, i am not a liar, pictures never lie… but all u artists out there, u guys r all liars.

    BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u r beautiful beyond description, too marvelous for words OIEOIEOIE!!

    i did not know my church boys were a part of a UJSC. Ugly Japanese Singing Crew. i do not know y they would hide such wonderful news… i am sad. my kids tried to hide their talents from their praise leader. i am tearing just looking at them singing so hard, just look at them!!! singing their hearts out!!! GO BOYS GO!!!! i’m so proud

  • seems impossible but its all worth it