Month: July 2006


    so i’ve been here about a week and i’m really amazed.
    should i expand???? naw~~
    but here are some reasons why this place is so dang cool

    Eugene-ee. so dang cute she calls me “bbak bbak ee ah juh shee”
    translation: blad man

    i hug her and rub my beard on her face and she screams and giggles. so cute i wanna die.
    ok not die but kinda die… just like a little

    this girl is 1/2 korean (daddy) 1/2 russian (mama) the mama is freaking hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    the mama is 26 and the daddy is 36. so listen to my plan

    imma try to find a russian girl thats 19. thats 10 years younger than me.
    and let me tell you!!!!!!!!!

    RUSSIAN GIRLS ARE HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    our team girls are…. hot… hot… hot… i guess i’m not a good liar

    this is sarah yun. we have a new nick name for her. we call her SES

    Special Ed Sarah

    this pictur looks like and advertisment for a down syndrome foundation or something
    if i could put up a quote it would be something like

    “please register at Rainbow bright School for the Special… where everybody has friends~~~~!!!”

  • we’re leaving for russia today.
    please pray for….
    eh…. whatever u guys wanna pray for

    see you guys in a month

  • this is what i’ve been doing for the past 2 months.

    Russia Team 2K6


    Pray for us cuz i’m one of their leaders and we’ll b back on 8.11.06!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • STD!!!!!!!!
    SAVE THE DATE!!!!!!!

    Susan Park works for AADAP (asian american drug abuse program)
    and they are having a benefit show on 9.9.06!!!!
    so… STD!!!!!!!!

    ask me where i’ll be on 9.9.06 and i’ll respond by saying
    and i’ll totally make you look dumb.

    AND!!!!! you can buy a raffle ticket for a low price of $20!!!!
    the prizes are like 2 tickets to HK, and… i forgot i wasn’t really paying attention when
    she was telling me.


    so to top this exciting even with the most proper song in my MP3 library.

    ok seriously, support this or… DEATH!!!!!

  • there was this one time back in 1997 when i lived with all non believers
    i’d have to admit that that year was one of the most memorable year of my college career
    but before i went on missions for the second time, i gathered all of them and shared the Gospel with them
    they were very polite but not very interested
    then a few years later, i got a phone call
    with the news that one of them ceased to breathe in a japanese hospital bed
    it tore me up inside that i didn’t do this, i didn’t do that, i coulda done this, i coulda done that
    i wish i could have done ever little thing to make him realize
    but the years passed by and i just had to accept that he didn’t know who our maker was
    all i can still hope for is that some how in his death bed, God’s hand was over him
    other than that it hurt for a while. you have a lot more to hope for
    there are a lot of people praying for you
    i’ll see you when i get back and we’ll kill a fattened calf